Demographic Targeting for Varicose Vein Treatments

By Diamar Isabel Beltran-Taylor

Targeting younger, high-risk demographics for vascular deficiency is an invaluable way to improve revenue from increased reach. By educating potential patients to advocate themselves better, you can increase your reach, visibility, and turn potential looks into clients for varicose vein treatments.

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With over 40% of Americans suffering from venous insufficiency, only 10% of individuals will pursue treatment or vascular care. As a vein specialist, you hold the knowledge to assuage, combat, and educate. The missing piece? Connection. Targeted campaigns and educational materials consistently miss crucial demographics in younger age cohorts, focusing solely on the 50+ age group. So what can be done about this?

Get to know your audiences.


Lack of Education for Vascular Disease

Sufferers of vascular disease, especially in younger demographics (primarily venous insufficiency), are unlikely to relate symptoms to vascular disease:

  • Swelling in the lower legs and ankles, especially after extended periods of standing
  • Aching or tiredness in the legs
  • Leathery-looking skin on the legs
  • Flaking or itching skin on the legs or feet

Insufficient education regarding vascular health is the biggest hurdle to expanding clientele because it prevents patients from reaching out to physicians for care, and can even prevent primary care physicians from referring patients to vein specialists.

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Commonly Missed Demographics

Combating a lack of education looks like expanding the audience to which you are speaking. Creating educational advertising campaigns to target demographics who spend a lot of time on their feet, regardless of age, is a great starting point.

Now, where exactly do we find these people?

Hospitality Workers

Restaurant workers or individuals who work in hospitality walk and stand for hours. Many servers, hostesses, and chefs have reported walking over 10 miles a shift during busy seasons. Career hospitality professionals suffer from constant leg overexertion, resulting in dilated veins and weakened walls. Most individuals from the service industry are under 50 and are likely ignorant of venous insufficiency symptoms. Targeting hospitality workers via educational advertising campaigns on what symptoms of vein disease actually look and feel like can lead to increased reach in this demographic.

Body Builders

How can you tell if someone does CrossFit?

Don’t worry. They’ll tell you.

While the benefits of exercise are clear and compelling, many an athlete, particularly in certain practices, has been known to take their training too far. High-impact bodybuilders are at an increased risk for venous insufficiency as their veins are often strained from high-impact lifting. Furthermore, this demographic may not know their risk factors for blood clots, aneurysms, or dissection from increased blood pressure. It should also be noted that weightlifters may be more likely to pursue vein ablation treatments for aesthetic purposes. Identifying and improving education in this demographic is a crucial next step for expanding advertising reach.

Women of All Ages Especially Mothers

The obvious target audience for this treatment is women, but that doesn’t mean targeting campaigns can’t grow and adapt to be more profitable.

Women are more likely to suffer from venous insufficiency and are more likely to seek treatment for visible signs of vein disease. Many vein clinics focus campaign targeting on women over 50 who are likely experiencing vein weakening from hormonal changes caused by menopause.

However, women in their 30s and 40s who bore children also experience an increased risk of venous disease from drastically changing hormone levels, increased blood pressure, and volume resulting in weakened veins post-partum. Targeting women who have given birth at least once, regardless of age, is a compelling way to increase targeting.

Vein clinics should target younger demographics with high-risk factors for venous disease. Focusing solely on patients over 50 leaves considerable gaps in potential revenue and care.

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