Integrate an Email Marketing Strategy to Improve ROI

By Diamar Isabel Beltran-Taylor

Integrating an email marketing strategy into your customer acquisition plan is an invaluable way to earn the highest ROI of any digital marketing strategy. When it comes to marketing, you want to see your hard work pay off—literally. Investing in your company shouldn’t put you further in the hole; it should be generating leads, expanding your reach, increasing web traffic, and helping you turn lookers into clients.

Ready to start seeing that return on investment? Read on to learn how Venator PM can improve your bottom line.



Email Marketing Strategy ROI

It’s no secret that out of any digital marketing strategy, email marketing boasts the highest ROI rate. Many reports show that, on average, $44 are earned back for every dollar spent. According to Moveable Ink, conversion rates for email are as high as 10%.



Make Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

Break down audience preferences and activities with easy-to-understand analytics and get to the root of what makes your audience tick with email marketing software. Analytics for email marketing software measures information regarding opening activities, which calls to action were engaged with, and which devices were used to open the email. This information allows you to take control and make data-driven decisions that work.


Audience Targeting

Don’t waste time with mass emails that may miss the mark. Audience targeting allows you to send emails to individuals most likely to enjoy and engage with your content, ensuring that emails are relevant, actionable, and interesting to your audience segments. Dig further and segment your emails to cater to different interests and preferences. For example, a dermatology office may segment audiences dependent on the services they are looking for, like cosmetic procedures vs. medical treatments.

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Get to the Point

One of marketing’s biggest obstacles to combat is time. People are busy and attention spans are only getting shorter.

Creating content that is concise and simple to follow is vital for your email marketing strategy. Lengthy emails and dense texts are almost guaranteed to lose your audience, and with most people using a mobile device to check their email, email themes must translate to the format. Including calls to action and links to landing pages encourage your audience to interact with more content.


Personalize Your Emails

How do you connect with someone you’ll probably never meet face to face? Personalization.

Integrating the name of your subscribers in your email marketing strategy has been shown to improve open rates and bolster customer relationships. According to Campaign Monitor, "Subscribers are 26% more likely to open an email with a personalized subject line." Creating personalized service recommendation lists or product lists leads to further improvement rates for calls to action and overall interaction.


Implementing a solid email marketing strategy is a low-cost, high-efficiency method for improving customer retention and increasing revenue. Understanding how to implement it best is crucial for improving ROI. Venator PM is here to help you take advantage of this service, so fill out the form below to get started.


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